CMS Release Notes

CMS Version8.2.0.13
CMS_Classes Version8.2.0.13
CMS Touch Version8.2.0.8
CMS Tablet Version
API Service Version
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Release Date 
Release Type


New Features

1CMSHome FinanceThe ability to add a £0 transaction has been expanded to apply to the HOME finance area. Previously this was just available to the residents finance area.
2CMSBody Maps Multiple photos can now be uploaded at once. Select the files in the dialog and click save. 

Bug Fixes

1CMSCare plan / Risk assessmentCustom questions added to be completed at the end of a care plan / risk assessment were not being removed when removing the questions associated with them. 
2CMSAssessment Detailed reportSome text on this report could have been cut off but the width of the boxes. This has been resolved.
3CMS Daily Care AssessmentThere is a maximum text length of 4000 characters on each question in the Resident daily assessments. The textbox now has a cap of 4000 to make it more obvious that no more text can be added.
4CMSPossession PhotosWhen adding possession photos from CMS, an error could occur based on access rights to the location where the photo is stored.
5CMSHome RepairsPrinted report was missing data if it didn't have a repair category attached
6CMSEmotion AnalysisEmotion analysis wasn't picking up today's entries by default. Now will return all data on 'Date To' date.