CMS Release Notes

CMS Version8.2.0.11
CMS_Classes Version8.2.0.11
CMS Touch Version8.2.0.7
CMS Tablet Version8.2.0.6
API Service Version
Document status
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Release Date 
Release Type

New Build

New Features

1AllFoodChart - Spoonfuls

We have added a new option when recording the amount eaten in foodcharts. Spoonfuls:      

2AllMaximum Fluid Targets

there were numerous requests for us to allow resident fluid targets to be a maximum value rather than a recommended value. This is used when residents are on certain medications requiring carers to restrict the amount of water that the resident consumes. This setting is found under the residents status flags:

The dashboard, CMS touch & CMS Tablet has been adapted so that if a resident has a maximum fluid volume set:

  • While they are below their target the highlight will be Green
  • While the at between 80% - 100% of their target, it will be amber to indicate that they are nearing their target
  • If they go over the 100% target, the highlight will be RED.

    Residents that are on recommended targets will keep the same highlighting: Red / Green to indicate whether the user is under / on target to hit their recommended value.
3CMSChart Dashboard

When looking at the breakdown of fluids there is a grey highlight when the resident is in hospital to indicate that it is not applicable. 

When looking at the breakdown of weights the Grey icon will indicate where the resident has no weight. They were previously showing green, this change should prompt staff to weigh residents if they have no weight.

Bug Fixes

1CMS DesktopAssessment Wizard - Question InfoWhen writing a new assessment and inputting question info, if the text spanned multiple lines CMS would highlight all the text typed and would overwrite it as the user types.

CMS Desktop

Employee AssessmentsDeleting an employee assessment was being saved in the residents module in the Audit DB. This has been changed to the Employee module & will provide more data on what had been deleted.
3All productsFluid OutputsWhen saving a fluid that ONLY contains an output value, CMS was saving an empty intake with 'Oral' as the input method. This will now only be saved if there has been an intake of fluid on this record.
4CMSRotaIf a user added a new shift and a new absence to the rota at the same time, CMS would add a duplicate shift. This has been resolved so all settings are saved under 1 shift.
5CMSFacilities - ComplianceThe print button in compliance & inspections didn't work. 
6CMS Body Map ReviewIf a user was doing a body map review against a body map entry that has a custom assessment attached, Parts of the question may have been cut off depending on the type & size of font the user had set.